
Install luxpy

  1. Install miniconda
  2. Create a virtual environment with full anaconda distribution by typing the following at the commandline:

    >> conda create --name py36 python=3.6 anaconda

  3. Activate the virtual environment:

    >> activate py36

  4. Install pip to virtual environment (just to ensure any packages to be

    installed with pip to this virt. env. will be installed here and not globally):

    >> conda install -n py36 pip

5a. Install luxpy package from pypi:

>> pip install luxpy

5b. Install luxpy package from anaconda:

>> conda install -c ksmet1977 luxpy
Note:If any errors show up, try and do a manual install of the dependencies: scipy, numpy, pandas, matplotlib and setuptools, either using e.g. >> conda install scipy or >> pip install scipy, and try and reinstall luxpy using pip.

Use of LuxPy package in Spyder IDE

  1. Install spyder in py36 environment:

    >> conda install -n py36 spyder

  2. Run spyder

    >> spyder

  3. To import the luxpy package, on Spyder’s commandline for the IPython kernel (or in script) type:

    import luxpy as lx

Use of LuxPy package in Jupyter notebook

  1. Install jupyter in py36 environment:

    >> conda install -n py36 jupyter

  2. Start jupyter notebook:

    >> jupyter notebook

  3. Open an existing or new notebook:

    e.g. open “luxpy_basic_usage.ipynb” for an overview of how to use the LuxPy package.

  4. To import LuxPy package type:

    import luxpy as lx